

There are 4 types of middleware in Actionhero:

  • Action
  • Connection
  • Chat
  • Task

Each type of middleware is distinct from the others, and operates on distinct parts of a client's lifecycle. For a logical example, please inspect the following connection lifecycle:

> Client **Connects**
# connection middleware, \`create\` hook

> Client requests an **action**
# action middleware, \`preProcessor\` hook
# action middleware, \`postProcessor\` hook

> Client **joins a room**
# chat middleware, \`join\` hook

> Client **says a message** in a room
# chat middleware, \`say\` hook
# chat middleware, \`onSayReceive\` hook

> Client requests a **disconnect** (quit)
# chat middleware, \`leave\` hook
# connection middleware, \`destroy\` hook

> Client executes a **task**
# task middleware, \`preProcessor\` hook
# task middleware, \`postProcessor\` hook

Action Middleware


import { action } from "actionhero";

const middleware = {
  name: "userId checker",
  global: false,
  priority: 1000,
  preProcessor: (data) => {
    if (!data.params.userId) {
      throw new Error("All actions require a userId");
  postProcessor: (data) => {
    if (data.thing.stuff == false) {
      data.toRender = false;


actionhero provides hooks for you to execute custom code both before and after the execution of all or some actions. This is a great place to write authentication logic or custom loggers.

Action middleware requires a name and at least one of preProcessor or postProcessor. Middleware can be global, or you can choose to apply each middleware to an action specifically via action.middleware = [] in the action's definition. You supply a list of middleware names, like action.middleware = ['userId checker'] in the example above.

Each processor is passed data. Just like within actions, you can modify the data object to add to data.response to create a response to the client. If an error is thrown, the action will not execute, and error will contain the error when sent to the client. If a preProcessor has an error, the action will never be called.

The priority of a middleware orders it with all other middleware which might fire for an action. All global middleware happen before locally defined middleware on an action. Lower numbers happen first. If you do not provide a priority, the default from config.general.defaultProcessorPriority will be used.

The Data Object

data contains the same information as would be passed to an action:

data = {
  connection: {},
  action: "randomNumber",
  toRender: true,
  messageId: 1,
  params: { action: "randomNumber", apiVersion: 1 },
  actionStartTime: 1429531553417,
  actionTemplate: {}, // the actual object action definition
  session: {},

If your middleware wants to pass information about the connection to the action, place that data within the session object. For example, you might have a middleware that sets session.user for use in your actions:

import { action } from "actionhero";
import { Team, TeamMember } from "./../models"; // defined in your project

const authenticatedUserMiddleware = {
  name: "authenticated-team-member",
  global: false,
  priority: 1000,
  preProcessor: async (data) => {
    const sessionData = await api.session.load(data.connection);
    if (!sessionData) {
      throw new Error("Please log in to continue");
    } else if (
      !data.params.csrfToken ||
      data.params.csrfToken !== sessionData.csrfToken
    ) {
      throw new Error("CSRF error");
    } else {
      const teamMember = await TeamMember.findOne({
        where: { guid: sessionData.guid },
        include: Team,
      data.session = { data: sessionData, teamMember };


Connection Middleware

import { api, Initializer, log } from "actionhero";
export class ConnectionMiddleware extends Initializer {
  constructor() {
    this.name = "connection_middleware";
  async initialize() {
    const connectionMiddleware = {
      name: "connection middleware",
      priority: 1000,
      create: async (connection) => {
        log(`connection joined type:${connection.type}`, "info");
      destroy: async (connection) => {
        log(`connection left type:${connection.type}`, "info");
    await api.connections.addMiddleware(connectionMiddleware);

Like the action middleware above, you can also create middleware to react to the creation or destruction of all connections.

Keep in mind that some connections persist (webSocket, socket) and some only exist for the duration of a single request (web). You will likely want to inspect connection.type in this middleware. Again, if you do not provide a priority, the default from config.general.defaultMiddlewarePriority will be used.

Any modification made to the connection at this stage may happen either before or after an action, and may or may not persist to the connection depending on how the server is implemented.

Chat Middleware

import { chatRoom, Connection, Initializer } from "actionhero";

export class ChatMiddlewareInitializer extends Initializer {
  constructor() {
    this.name = "chat-middleware";

  async start() {
    const chatMiddleware: chatRoom.ChatMiddleware = {
      name: "chat middleware",
      priority: 1000,

      // announce all connections entering a room
      join: async (connection: Connection, room: string) => {
        await chatRoom.broadcast(
          "I have joined the room: " + connection.id

      // announce all connections leaving a room
      leave: async (connection: Connection, room: string) => {
        await chatRoom.broadcast(
          "I have left the room: " + connection.id

      // Will be executed once per client connection before delivering the message.
      say: (connection: Connection, room: string, messagePayload: any) => {
        messagePayload.cool = true;
        return messagePayload;

      // Will be executed only once, when the message is sent to the server.
      onSayReceive: function (
        connection: Connection,
        room: string,
        messagePayload: any
      ) {
        messagePayload.receivedAt = new Date().getTime();
        return messagePayload;


The last type of middleware is used to act when a connection joins, leaves, or communicates within a chat room. We have 4 types of middleware for each step: say, onSayReceive, join, and leave.

Priority is optional in all cases, but can be used to order your middleware. If an error is returned thrown any of these methods, it will be returned to the client, and the action/verb/message will not be sent.

More detail and nuance on chat middleware can be found in the chat tutorial

Chat Middleware Notes

  • In the example above, I want to announce the member joining the room, but he has not yet been added to the room, as the join logic is still firing. If the connection itself were to make the broadcast, it would fail because the connection is not in the room. Instead, an empty {} connection is used to proxy the message coming from the 'server'.
  • Only the sayCallbacks return messagePayload. This allows you to modify the message being sent to your clients.
    • messagePayload will be modified and and passed on to all middleware inline, so you can append and modify it as you go
  • If you have a number of callbacks (say, onSayReceive, join or leave), the priority maters, and you can block subsequent methods from firing by throwing an error.
  • sayCallbacks are executed once per client connection. This makes it suitable for customizing the message based on the individual client.
  • onSayReceiveCallbacks are executed only once, when the message is sent to the server.

Chat Middleware blocking/squelching

If you want to selectively prevent chat messages from propagating you have two options. The first is when the middleware throws an error as shown below:

import {chatRoom, connection} from 'actionhero';

// in this example no one will be able to join any room, and the \`say\` middleware will never be invoked.
  name: 'blocking chat middleware',
  join: (connection, room) => {
    throw new Error('blocked from joining the room')

  say: (connection, room, messagePayload) => {
    chatRoom.broadcast({}, room, 'I have entered the room: ' + connection.id)

If a say is blocked via an error thrown, the message will simply not be delivered to the client. If a join or leave is blocked, the verb or method used to invoke the call will be returned that error. This method will log the error which makes it fine for unusual events but not for a desired design intention.

A second way to block a message is to have the middleware explicitly return null. This will squelch the message from propagating. The example below will prevent the chatroom from echoing the message back to the sending client.

chatRoom.addMiddleware(connection, room, messagePayload) => {
      name: "block echo to sending client",
      global: true,
      say: (connection, room, messagePayload) => {
        if (connection.id === messagePayload.from) {
          return null;
        return messagePayload;

Task Request Flow


Task Middleware

Task middleware is implemented as a thin wrapper around Node Resque plugins and currently exposes the beforePerform, afterPerform, beforeEnqueue, and afterEnqueue functions of Resque. Each middleware requires a name and at least one function. In addition, a middleware can be global, in which case it also requires a priority.

In the preProcessor, you can access the original task params through this.args[0]. In the postProcessor, you can access the task result at this.worker.result. In the preEnqueue and postEnqueue you can access the task params through this.args[0]. If you wish to prevent a task from being enqueued using the preEnqueue middleware you must explicitly set the toRun value to false in the callback. Because the task middleware is executed by Resque this is an instance of a Resque Worker and contains a number of other elements which may be useful in a middleware.

Task Middleware Example

The following example is a simplistic implementation of a task execution timer middleware.

import {task, log, Initializer} from 'actionhero';

export class taskMiddleware extends Initializer {
  constructor () {
    this.name = 'task middleware'

  initialize: () => {
    const middleware = {
      name: 'timer',
      global: true,
      priority: 90,

      preProcessor: async function () {
        const worker = this.worker
        worker.startTime = process.hrtime()

      postProcessor: async function () {
        const worker = this.worker
        const elapsed = process.hrtime(worker.startTime)
        const seconds = elapsed[0]
        const millis = elapsed[1] / 1000000
        log(worker.job.class + ' done in ' + seconds + ' s and ' + millis + ' ms.', 'info')

      preEnqueue: async function () {
        return true // returning `false` will prevent the task from enqueuing

      postEnqueue: async function () {
        api.log("Task successfully enqueued!")



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